Post Funding Recommendations 2021-22 and 2022-23

Post Funding Recommendations 2021-22 and 2022-23


This is an update of version 5, previously agreed by the Process Alignment Group and to business managers, the TIS team and national finance leads for their consideration.

It reflects the feedback received from some finance leads and business managers. It is now out for confirmation by the Task and Finish Group, as several members were unable to attend the discussion on 15 June.


The aim is to get agreement on the recommendations in this paper in time for the TIS team to implement the relatively small changes to TIS by Autumn 2022 in time for each region to bring their posts into alignment with these recommendations by 1st April 2023. This version will be discussed with representatives of the TIS team on 23 June. Hopefully, a final version will then go to PAG and business managers for agreement. 

Problem we are trying to solve The lack of a national approach to the management of Post Funding on TIS means that it is impossible to understand exactly how posts are funded, either because teams: 

  • use different funding types in different ways,  

  • use other funding element fields in different ways, 

  • choose not to record key details on TIS 

This has meant that it has been impossible to run any meaningful reports, e.g. to help with budget setting, or provide assurance to finance teams that TIS can be used as a definitive source of data.   

Helen Friedrichsen in the national finance team has agreed that clarity, transparency and consistency are really important for the national finance team. 

The starting Position 

  1. All regions should be recording post funding on TIS

  2. Post funding will determine whether a post is active or not.



Items Definition




Funding type 

For a post to have active funding, it must have a valid Funding Type.  Currently implemented Funding Types are as follows: 



HEE Funded – Tariff 

Baseline post contracted via an NHS Education Contract to a provider organisation with funds attached in line with national tariff.  

HEE Funded – Non-Tariff 

Baseline post funded by HEE outside of the national tariff and subject to local arrangement. 

Trust Funded 

Baseline post contracted via an NHS Education Contract to a provider organisation with no funds attached

100% Tariff Funded

Post funded on a Tariff contract but where NHSE provide a 100% Tariff rate rather than the normal approximate 50%.

Academic – NIHR 

Academic posts 100% funded by NIHR when occupied. 

Academic – HEE 

Academic posts where HEE provide some funding subject to local arrangement and funded when occupied. Use narrative field to indicate funding arrangement. 

Academic – Trust 

Academic posts not funded by HEE or NIHR. The trust might be provided with sponsorship for some of these posts. 

Academic – University

Academic posts funded by a university. The university might be provided with sponsorship or funding from other sources for some of these posts. 


Temporary posts established when additional funding needed for specific educational purpose. Only funded when occupied. Additional information to be provided. 


To be used exceptionally when posts do not fit into any of the above and not funded by HEE. Additional information must be provided. 


To be used for all Military posts. 

Long Term Plan 

Used for posts that are created because of the Medical Training Expansion 2021 Paper which aims to expand the mental health and cancer medical workforce. The funding for these expansion posts is currently for a single cohort of trainees and is not a permanent expansion for the programmes. This is actually not a Funding Type truly but a sub-category of HEE Funded - Tariff (please see below). It was only added as a Funding Type as an interim measure as the ability to record sub-categories is currently not possible.  


HEE Funded – Non-Tariff :

if selected in the drop down then there should be sub-categories. See table of sub-categories definition below


if selected in the drop down then there should be sub-categories. See table of sub-categories definition below



Funding body 

All posts must have a funding body. This should not be blank. This currently (should) pull from the Trust reference table. Since the development of TIS there has been the desire to change the name of the Trust reference table to something more generic such as Organisations as Funding Bodies as the data in that table are not all trusts.


Start date 

Start of the funding arrangement. If not known (i.e., because the post pre-dates this agreement) then best guess. All new posts should be completed with a start date. 


End date 

No end date is still live. End date if the post is temporary 


Funding Details 

This provides for a narrative to explain the funding type in more detail. It is currently only available for funding types Other and Academic – HEE. 


Sub-Categories Definition




Funding type>HEE Funded – Non-Tariff> sub-categories

Salary recharges -

Dental – 50% -

Dental - 100% -


Public Health -

Hospice or Charity -

Occupational Medicine -

Community setting -

Foundation academic -

Other post funding -

Need the definition @James Harris

Funding Elements>Supernumerary> Funding details> sub-categories

Exceptional training -


Salary recharges -

Need the definition @James Harris










Funding Elements:

  • Funding Type

  • Funding Body

  • Start Date

  • End date

  • Funding details

  1. Each post to have at least one Funding Element - This is mandatory

  2. Within each Funding Element; Funding Body, Funding Type and Start Date should be mandatory

  • What are funding elements? I want to think the list are the funding element which are deferent from the funding type list? I think they they mean a post funding record by funding element but it would be good to standardise terms

  • How should the system behave if a post has no funding? From a data quality perspective a validation error but there are quite a few historic posts without funding. Need to check with users if a validation error or warning.


Funding Elements>Funding type>HEE Funded -Tariff

HEE Tariff: We all use the nationally published Tariff guidance, but there are different interpretations of how to fund core training posts. Some seek to use ST1, ST2 and ST3 rates as published by trying to identify the grade of trainee in each post; others look at the balance of grades across all core training and fund the appropriate proportion of posts at each of ST1, ST2 and ST3 rates; yet others create ST1-2 and ST1-3 composite funding rates to be applied to the core posts depending on whether they are for 2 or 3 year programmes.

  • It would be good if we can agree a consistent approach, but this is still work in progress.

  • We need to decide whether or not it is acceptable to use HEE Tariff for situations where there is a non-standard tariff formula, such as F1 over-subscription posts getting an enhanced clinical placement fee, awkwardly different for posts starting in August 2022 from those that started in August 2021

  • What is the progress/decision on HEE Tariff?

  • What is Standard, Non-standard and other Funding formulae?

I would suggest the above is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.

HEE Funded - Tariff also has sub-categories which have not been captured here. These include, but not limited to ‘Existing Establishment’ (need to confirm the name for this, ‘Long Term Plan’, ‘NHSE/I Expansion’, ‘Redistribution’. This requirement comes from Finance users as well the need of local offices and senior stakeholders to track investment made from the department of health, etc. The list of this is likely to keep growing. To accommodate this I would suggest a field that is linked to a reference table. I spoke to Jon Howes and finance around the term ‘Funding Reason’ for this although sub-category could work as well. Need clarification on the name.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Other

Other: It is recommended that funding Type “Other” should be used only for non-standard funding formulae, to avoid such non-standard funding formulae being confused with standard HEE Tariff funding or other standard funding.


Other: This is used by some whenever they want to specify an accompanying narrative, but the proposed addition of sub-categories for supernumerary in recommendation 10 and consistent use of the full range of funding types available in TIS mean we can now minimise the use of funding type “Other”.


Recommendation 11: There is only one recommended use of funding type Other: funding using non-standard funding formulae. All regions are recommended to eliminate all other uses of funding type “Other” by 1st April 2023. (This is a corollary to Recommendation 2.)

Example of non-standard funding formulae are F2 standalone posts getting a salary contribution, clinical placement fee and supervision allowance, and

  • What is Standard, Non-standard and other Funding formulae?

I would suggest this is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.


Funding Elements>Funding type>HEE Funded Non-Tariff

HEE Funded Non-Tariff: We agreed we need to identify all the types of post for which this funding type should be used.

  • What are the types of post for which this funding type should be used? are the list below the final? I would say not because some are a bit more like descriptions than categories so I think the language needs tidying up. Also as per above I believe the list will naturally change over time as different types of funding are introduced so the list will need to be amendable hence a reference table.

I would suggest this is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.

  • Recommendation 3: The following categories of post should use HEE Non-Tariff funding type: 

  1. Dental posts 

  2. Hospice posts funded through NHS Trusts 

  3. FY2GP posts 

  4. Public Health setting posts funded through NHS Trusts 

  5. GP practice posts (funded by salary recharges)  

  6. Public Health & Dental PH posts funded through a Lead Employer by salary recharges  

  7. Occupational Medicine HEE funded posts - unless Tariff funded 

  8. Charity setting posts funded through NHS Trusts  

  9. Hospice posts funded through a Lead Employer by salary recharges  


Funding Elements>Funding type>HEE Funded Non-Tariff> HEE Non-tariff sub-categories

Recommendation 4: HEE Non-tariff sub-categories: It is recommended that TIS be enhanced to allow sub-categories under HEE Non-tariff funding, as follows: 

  • Salary recharges - GP 

  • Salary recharges – PH 

  • Salary recharges – Dental PH 

  • Salary recharges – Hospice 

  • Dental 

  • FY2GP 

  • Public Health other 

  • Hospice other 

  • Charity 

  • Occupational Medicine

This avoids TIS having to allow a narrative (Funding Detail) to explain the different uses of HEE Non-Tariff funding type. If the list of sub-categories proves to be non-exhaustive, any other case would be classed as non-standard funding and hence should use funding type “Other” which will provide a narrative (Funding Details) to explain. It is important that sub-categories are used to provide maximum clarity and the ability to fully categorise the many different types of Non-tariff funding. 

  • Are the list below the final?

HEE Funded - Tariff also has sub-categories which have not been captured here. These include, but not limited to ‘Existing Establishment’ (need to confirm the name for this, ‘Long Term Plan’, ‘NHSE/I Expansion’, ‘Redistribution’. This requirement comes from Finance users as well the need of local offices and senior stakeholders to track investment made from the department of health, etc. The list of this is likely to keep growing. To accommodate this I would suggest a field that is linked to a reference table. I spoke to Jon Howes and finance around the term ‘Funding Reason’ for this although sub-category could work as well. Need clarification on the name.

  • Is it agreed that any sub-category outside the 10 should be classed as non-standard and should be a sub-category under funding type - “other”? If yes, “other” will have a sub-category which might be a free text for users?

See above but also I would suggest this is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Percentage Field


Funding Elements>Percentage Field

Recommendation 5: An optional percentage field should be added to TIS Funding Elements.

This is definitely needed for Dental and Academic posts to provide the clarity needed by the national finance team. The field is only for use when relevant, hence for most posts would be left blank. However, its addition avoids us needing to ask for a narrative (Funding Details) to be provided instead. 

  • Percentage Field: Meaning?

  • Is percentage field in recommendation 5 part funding type list or a funding element?

  • Is this replacing the “funding details”?

This is needs further clarification of what it is specifically a percentage of, HEE contribution for example.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Academic Post:

  • Academic - HEE

  • Academic - NIHR

  • Academic - Trust

Academic: The three Academic funding types were added relatively recently, which is likely to mean that some academic posts were set up earlier with funding types of Non-Tariff or Other.

Recommendation 6: All Academic posts should be changed to use these explicit funding types.

Are we saying the three academic post should be replaced with just “Academic”

No, they are saying that there are posts listed as funding type ‘Other’ which should be one of the academic funding types. I would suggest this is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Academic - University

Recommendation 7: Another funding type needs to be added – “Academic – University” – recognising that Universities are not Trusts, so it is misleading to use type “Academic – Trust” in such cases.

Funding type “Academic” and “Academic - University” are the two post to be added to the list of the funding type?

This can be added to the Funding Type list immediately if required. It will then be for HEE process/policy for local teams to migrate the relevant posts to the new funding type


Funding Elements>Academic – Trust


Funding Elements>Academic – University

Recommendation 8: It should be allowed to have two concurrent funding elements, one “Academic – Trust” and the other “Academic – University”, each with a percentage field, normally 50% each to indicate that a Trust and a University have agreed to provide matched funding to support the post.

  • Should they be part of the Funding type list? If yes, any relation with recommendation 6?

  • Is percentage field in recommendation 5 part funding type list or a funding element?

  • Should they be funding element or part of the list of funding type?

  • How do we represent the 50% in the recommendation 8 in terms of trust and university provide 50% each?

The recommendation as written would cause an issue for reporting, finance, senior managers, etc, as having two instances of funding at the same time would cause the post to have two post funding records, duplicating that post in reporting. In order to retain post funding data integrity, if this was done it would have to be in a way that if part of one post funding record. Further clarification is required of exactly the need for this as currently this is recorded in the Funding Details field.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Supernumerary

Supernumerary: Again this is a relatively new funding type and some will have established a pattern of use that means they use Other rather than Supernumerary. It would be good to plan to move to consistent use of Supernumerary for all supernumerary posts but with the narrative field clarifying where the funding is coming from (e.g. SRTT funding, exceptional training funding, or Trust funding).

Recommendation 9: Now that TIS provides a “Supernumerary” funding type, this should be used for consistency with all HEE funded supernumerary posts (those with /S suffix). This avoids needing to use funding type “Other” for exceptional training and SRTT funding. Note that many supernumerary posts will of course remain Trust funded and hence the funding type will be “Trust

  • What is HEE funded supernumerary post?

  • There should be a field to clarify where the funding is coming from when supernumerary is selected from the funding type?

  • Are we suggesting the following to be added to the funding type?

HEE funded supernumerary? to replace supernumerary in the current funding type list

Trust Funded supernumerary? To replace Trust funded in the current funding type list

I would suggest this is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.


Funding Elements>Funding details

Recommendation 10: To avoid having to provide a narrative (Funding Details) to explain the Supernumerary funding, it is recommended we agree a sub-classification and that TIS be modified to allow sub-categories of Supernumerary funding type (similar to Recommendation 4 regarding sub-categories of HEE Non-Tariff funding type). The initial suggestion for Supernumerary sub-categories are:

  1. Exceptional training 

  2. SRTT 

  3. Salary recharges

“Other”: This is used by some whenever they want to specify an accompanying narrative, but the proposed addition of sub-categories for supernumerary in recommendation 10 and consistent use of the full range of funding types available in TIS mean we can now minimise the use of funding type “Other”.

The Supernumerary sub-categories need to be agreed

As per above, this is the same requirement as with HEE Funded - Non-Tariff and HEE Funded - Tariff. The list of this is likely to keep growing. To accommodate this I would suggest a field that is linked to a reference table. This would allow for these categories to be agreed/changed as HEE policy is made. I spoke to Jon Howes and finance around the term ‘Funding Reason’ for this although sub-category could work as well. Need clarification on the name.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Military

Military: This new type has been added following a recommendation from this TAFG.

Recommendation 12: Military funding type should now be used for all military (/M suffix) posts. 


Remain the same and keep. Only encourage users to use for all Military?

Yes, I would suggest this is a process/policy decision for HEE rather than a development for TIS as TIS can currently handle these variations.


Funding Elements>Funding type>Long Term Plan

Long Term Plan: The funding calculations should be the same as for HEE Tariff but typically this funding is made available for a single cohort of trainees.

Recommendation 13: All posts using funding type “Long Term Plan” should have an End Date.

End date must be mandatory?

No as having NULL End Date is valid in the vast majority of instances. Any validation would have to be only for Long Term Plan funded posts but this could be done through reporting currently.


Funding Elements>End dates

End Dates:

  • If the only or last Funding Element of a post has an end date and that end date has passed, the post should be made INACTIVE and no trainee placements should go beyond this end date (with the sole exception or Parental Leave placements).

  • At present, teams have to manually change the post status to INACTIVE and have to check validation reports to spot trainee placements that go beyond the end date.

  • It would be better if TIS incorporated automated validation of end dates.

Recommendation 14: Whenever the final end date of a post is passed, TIS should automatically change the post status to INACTIVE.

Whilst there will be a few exceptions where teams don’t want the post status changed, in over 95% of cases they do want the post status changed, so it will be much less work for teams to fix the small number of exceptions rather than have to change the post status manually on the bulk of posts, as they do now

Recommendation 15: Whenever a post or placement is saved, TIS should provide a warning message if there is a placement going beyond the final end date of the post, similar to the warning currently given for concurrent placements.

  • It would be better if TIS incorporated automated validation of end dates. What do we mean by this? are we making it mandatory for all post funding?

Recommendation 14: Whenever the final end date of a post is passed, TIS should automatically change the post status to INACTIVE.

  • Doctor should be INACTIVE if funding end date expires? Is this for sole exception or Parent leave placement ONLY?

  • exceptions examples? How will this work to notify users of INACTIVE status?

We have explored this before in data leads and the issue is with ESR as ESR will not export if the post is INACTIVE. A post may have a future instance of funding and so by this rule will be inactive until the start date but it needs to be current so any future placements go through the TIS-ESR interface 13 weeks prior to the placements start.

Validation on not allowing placements to be added to a post if the placement goes beyond the posts funding dates has already been approved by the data leads. It was requested this wasn’t moved forward until after local offices had a chance to cleanse their current data.


Post> Ownership> Owner

Post Owner: The owner field in TIS identifies which region owns the post. However, there is current inconsistency about how to specify the Owner when the post is attached to an NHS Trust in one region but the post is to be funded by a neighbouring region(probably because the post has been set up to accommodate trainees from that neighbouring region).

Recommendation 16: The “Owner” field should identify the HEE region that is responsible for the funding of the post.

Need clarity on this and what information we expect to see in “Owner”? If trust is funding, trust name instead of HEE region.

No, they are saying it should be the Local Office in the Owner field which it already is. This is already possible by the ManagingDeanery of the ProgrammePost being able to be different from the Owner of the post which is the Local Office that manages the funding no matter the funding type. I believe this is simply documenting what should already be true.


Funding Elements>Funding type>HEE Funded -Tariff, Trust Funded

As described under HEE Funded - Tariff, there is a requirement to differentiate the funding investment that is the cause of the commissioning and decommissioning of posts. Current examples of these (this is not a definitive list and naming convention might change with a definitive list having been requested) are:

  • Long Term Plan

  • Redistribution

  • 333 (will be renamed but is the funding increase of 1000 posts over 3 year)

  • Cancer and Diagnostics (CAD)

Will there ever be examples where an HEE Funded - Non-Tariff post needs to have these values associated to it? If not, can the same solution for HEE Funded - Non-Tariff be used for this requirement? If yes, does that mean two additional Funding Elements are required to meet user needs?



UR Findings

Epic: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/browse/TIS21-3273

UR Findings 




Ability to create quarterly returns for trusts showing changes  


Reporting needs- we will need more information from trust the specification of what the reports should be- what they want to report on and what they want to see on the report-UR to explore this with users.- Angela Fletcher?  


Ability to simplify the completion of METIP  


same as Number 5- 


The information we require for payments is as follows:Trust nameFunding statues e.g. HEE fundedSpecialty School / ProgrammeTrainee gradeNPN numberPost Start and End date  


same as numner 3- covered in the same reporting as METIP. 


Long Term Plan posts and moving these to tariff but with ability to track as LTPAbility to track movement of posts so that if we decommission a post in London and move it to W Midlands that’s reportable somehow  -- we need to build thi into TIS to fgather the long term post report...


can a non tariff funding type be a long term plan post?-we need an extra field to record the funding reason e.g if it is a long term plan post, expantion . To check  with John.


UR Insights




It is recommended that TIS be enhanced to allow sub-categories under HEE Non-tariff funding  

2- in terms of Effort

Ticket - and then slice the ticket up depending on how the devs want to do it.Need additional drop down field for sub categories


It should become mandatory for each post to have at least one Funding Element and within each Funding Element it should be mandatory for Funding Body, Funding Type and Start Date to be specified.  

2- in terms of Effort

Yes we can make it mandatory but there will be some data cleansing first.


Automating a post status based on funding end date  


This can be done but -Explore with the team- the issue is ESR and how the ESR works. 


It would be helpful if a post could be automatically made inactive when the funding end date is reached.  


This can be done but -Explore with the team- the issue is ESR and how the ESR works. 

Create a spike ticket

I need an option for spilt funding, with a free text field where we can show the break down (as the spilt varies between % and/or source, there doesn’t seem to be a drop down suggest that would cover the breakdown)  


Explore with the team- We need to work out how this will work out for reporting and what the users want this to do.


Types of funding (other than tariff, non-tariff and trust funding) to be easier to   understand, and use (mainly around funding that comes under other). New   funding types need to be added quickly, this then saves on users trying to   choose alternatives.  


Process issue- there is a document that shows this- business managers needs to communicate this to the teams.

PO to communicate to business managers re process issue

It would be useful to have Spilt to be available, and if possible, a free text field to show where   the funding comes from more than one source.  


Explore with the team- We need to work out how this will work out for reporting and what the users want this to do.


In terms of new funding, at the start of the long-term plan, as this wasn’t added, users were using Other as not sure what   to use.  


Process issue- there is a document that shows this- business managers needs to communicate this to the teams.

PO to communicate to business managers re process issue

Another funding type needs to be added – “Academic – University” – recognising that Universities are not Trusts  

1-in terms of Effort

To make a ticket: we can add the funding type but local teams will need to bulk change their data to utilise that funding type- We need to create some kind of coordination with them to change their data- this can be done through the Teams channel(data leads).


An optional percentage field should be added to TIS Funding Elements when there are multiple concurrent funding elements.  


Explore with the team- We need to work out how this will work out for reporting and what the users want this to do.


TIS be modified to allow sub-categories of Supernumerary funding type (similar to Recommendation  


Need additional drop down field for sub categories. 


Additionally within these users are not sure if their   need to select Military, or Armed Forces from Other (so we end up with a mix)   – could this be limited back to 1 option.   


Process issue- they need to update their posts to use military. Non communication that exisits within local offices- this info needs to passed on to relevant admins in the local offices.(This has been done already).

PO to communicate to business managers re process issue

Add a new funding type of 100% Tariff  

1-in terms of Effort

To make a ticket: we can add the funding type but local teams will need to bulk change their data to utilise that funding type- We need to create some kind of coordination with them to change their data- this can be done through the Teams channel(data leads). To check with John of whether he is happy with additional funding type that is being requested.


Add a new field into the funding type reference table


The added field is to control if the funding detail box is amendable or greyed out.


TIS should provide a warning message if there is a placement going beyond the final end date of the post, similar to the warning currently given for concurrent placement  


There is a ticket for this- we can not do this- we can not do soft validation because there is no way to do this through bulk upload. We need to do some data cleansing and this has been disscussed with data leads                                                                           


Whenever the final end date of a post is passed, TIS should automatically change the post status to INACTIVE  


This can be done but -Explore with the team- the issue is ESR and how the ESR works. 







BA Post Funding Fields Analysis




  • The current Post bulk create does not have the funding fields

Post Funding FE Fields Validation

Field name 

Reference Table

Initial value in dropdown

Proposed value in dropdown

Current value in dropdown

Initial FE Validation & Rules

Proposed FE Validation Rules 

Current FE Validation & Rules

Error Messages

List Page?(Y/N) 

List Page Rules (Sort/Filter)


Field name 

Reference Table

Initial value in dropdown

Proposed value in dropdown

Current value in dropdown

Initial FE Validation & Rules

Proposed FE Validation Rules 

Current FE Validation & Rules

Error Messages

List Page?(Y/N) 

List Page Rules (Sort/Filter)


Funding type 

See: TIS UI Fields - Dropdowns

  • No value provided

  • Academic- HEE

  • Academic - NIHR

  • Academic - Trust

  • HEE Funded - Non-Tariff

  • HEE Funded - Tariff

  • Long Term Plan

  • Military

  • Other

  • Supernumerary

  • Trust Funded

  • No value provided

  • Academic- HEE

  • Academic - NIHR

  • Academic - Trust

  • HEE Funded - Non-Tariff

  • HEE Funded - Tariff

  • Long Term Plan

  • Military

  • Other

  • Supernumerary

  • Trust Funded

  • Academic - University

  • 100% Tariff Funded

  • No value provided

  • Academic- HEE

  • Academic - NIHR

  • Academic - Trust

  • HEE Funded - Non-Tariff

  • HEE Funded - Tariff

  • Long Term Plan

  • Military

  • Other

  • Supernumerary

  • Trust Funded

  • Academic - University

  • 100% Tariff Funded

  • Drop down

  • Default to 'No value provided'

  • If you select ‘Academic - NIHR’ from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown list, then the ‘Funding body’ field is populated with ‘National Institute for Health Research’

  • Type: Drop down

  • Mandatory: Yes

  • Dependencies:"If 'Other', please specify," "Start date," "End date"

  • Editable: Yes 

  • Default value: "No value provided"

In addition to the Initial FE Validation Rules;

  • Mandatory: Yes ( using TIS UI or Post bulk upload)

  • Admin cannot create a new post without completing this field (a new post MUST have at least a post funding)

  • Admin cannot update a post without completing this field (a post MUST have at least a post funding)

  • Drop down

  • Default to 'No value provided'

  • If you select ‘Academic - NIHR’ from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown list, then the ‘Funding body’ field is populated with ‘National Institute for Health Research’

  • Type: Drop down

  • Mandatory: Yes ( using TIS UI or Post bulk upload

  • Dependencies:"If 'Other', please specify," "Start date," "End date"

  • Editable: Yes 

  • Default value: "No value provided"

  • Admin cannot create a new post without completing this field (a new post MUST have at least a post funding)

  • Admin cannot update a post without completing this field (a post MUST have at least a post funding)

  • This field is required 

  • Error report of listing the missing mandatory field as the reason when creating the post



  • Admin should not be able to create/update/save post on TIS if the mandatory field is not completed in UI or post bulk template


  • Question: Should other fields in post funding be greyed out or allow free text when the new funding types are added? James Response I think 'Academic - University' it should be editable and for '100% Tariff Funded' it should be greyed out

  • Add ‘Academic - University’ and ‘100% Tariff Funded’ to list of funding type


Funding Details





  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘No value provided’

  2. ‘Trust Funded’

  3. ‘Military’

  4. 'Long Term Plan'

  5. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  6. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

Then the ‘Funding Details’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

If Funding type is "Other"

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘Academic - HEE’

  2. 'Academic - NIHR'

  3. 'Academic Trust'

  4. 'Other'

  5. 'Supernumerary'

Then the ‘Funding Details’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Type: Manual entry 

  • Characters: Text

  • Special characters allowed: 

    forward slash ( / ), apostrophes ( ' ), hypens  ( - ), full stops ( . ) and spaces (   )

  • Character length: Min characters 0, Max characters none

  • Mandatory: No

  • Dependencies:Only active when "Funding type" is "Other" otherwise greyed out

  • Editable: Yes

If Funding type is not "Other"

  • Editable: No

  • Mandatory: No

In addition to the Initial FE Validation Rules;

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. 100% Tariff Funded - Done

Then the ‘Funding Details’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. Academic - University- Done

Then the ‘Funding Details’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘No value provided’

  2. ‘Trust Funded’

  3. ‘Military’

  4. 'Long Term Plan'

  5. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  6. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

  7. 100% Tariff Funded - Done

Then the ‘Funding Details’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

If Funding type is "Other"

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘Academic - HEE’

  2. 'Academic - NIHR'

  3. 'Academic Trust'

  4. 'Other'

  5. 'Supernumerary'

  6. Academic - University- Done

Then the ‘Funding Details’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Type: Manual entry 

  • Characters: Text

  • Special characters allowed: 

    forward slash ( / ), apostrophes ( ' ), hypens  ( - ), full stops ( . ) and spaces (   )

  • Character length: Min characters 0, Max characters none

  • Mandatory: No

  • Dependencies:Only active when "Funding type" is "Other" otherwise greyed out

  • Editable: Yes

If Funding type is not "Other"

  • Editable: No

Only special characters allowed: forward slash ( / ), apostrophes ( ' ), hypens  ( - ), full stops ( . ) and spaces (   )



  • Funding Details: This is field is not fillable unless certain funding types are selected, e.g. ‘Other’


Funding body

See: TIS UI Fields - Dropdowns

No value display, it is smart search



  • Drop down

  • Smart search

  • Type: Smart search 

  • Mandatory: No

  • Editable: Yes

  • Add multiple

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. No value provided

  2. Trust Funded’

  3. ‘Military’

  4. 'Long Term Plan'

  5. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  6. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

  7. ‘Academic - HEE’

  8. 'Academic - NIHR'

  9. 'Academic Trust'

  10. 'Other'

  11. 'Supernumerary'

Then the ‘Funding body’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text

Mandatory: No

In addition to the Initial FE Validation Rules;

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. 100% Tariff Funded

  2. Academic - University

Then the ‘Funding body’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text

  • Drop down

  • Smart search

  • Type: Smart search 

  • Mandatory: No

  • Editable: Yes

  • Add multiple

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. No value provided

  2. Trust Funded’

  3. ‘Military’

  4. 'Long Term Plan'

  5. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  6. ‘HEE Funded

  7. ‘Academic - HEE’

  8. 'Academic - NIHR'

  9. 'Academic Trust'

  10. 'Other'

  11. 'Supernumerary'

  12. 100% Tariff Funded

  13. Academic - University

Then the ‘Funding body’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text

This field is required 



  • Should be pulling from "Funding Organisation table"

  • Funding Body: There is outstanding work to be done on the Trust table which populates this dropdown. This field is not used by all Local Offices especially with Tariff posts as the Post Owner would be the same as the Funding Body


Start date





  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘No value provided’

Then the ‘Start date’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. Trust Funded’

  2. ‘Military’

  3. 'Long Term Plan'

  4. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  5. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

  6. ‘Academic - HEE’

  7. 'Academic - NIHR'

  8. 'Academic Trust'

  9. 'Other'

  10. 'Supernumerary'

Then the ‘Start date’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Free text or calendar pick

  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  • If Funding type is "No value provided", the Start date is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If Funding type is NOT "No value provided", the Start date is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • If Funding type is not "No value provided"

    • Type: Free text  or calendar pick 

    • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

    • Character type: Numerical 

    • Special characters allowed: /

    • Mandatory: Yes 

    • Dependencies: Only active when "Funding type" is not "No value provided" otherwise greyed out

    • Editable: Yes

    • Type otherwise greyed out

    • Editable: Yes 

  • Mandatory: Yes ( using TIS UI or Post bulk upload)

  • Admin cannot create a new post without completing this field (a new post MUST have at least a post funding)

  • Admin cannot update a post without completing this field (a post MUST have at least a post funding)

In addition to the Initial FE Validation Rules:

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. 100% Tariff Funded

  2. Academic - University

Then the ‘Start date’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Mandatory: Yes ( using TIS UI or Post bulk upload)

  • Admin cannot update a post without completing this field (a post MUST have at least a post funding)

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘No value provided’

Then the ‘Start date’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. Trust Funded’

  2. ‘Military’

  3. 'Long Term Plan'

  4. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  5. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

  6. ‘Academic - HEE’

  7. 'Academic - NIHR'

  8. 'Academic Trust'

  9. 'Other'

  10. 'Supernumerary'

  11. 100% Tariff Funded

  12. Academic - University

Then the ‘Start date’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Free text or calendar pick

  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  • If Funding type is "No value provided", the Start date is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If Funding type is NOT "No value provided", the Start date is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • If Funding type is not "No value provided"

    • Type: Free text  or calendar pick 

    • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

    • Character type: Numerical 

    • Special characters allowed:

    • Mandatory: Yes 

    • Dependencies: Only active when "Funding type" is not "No value provided" otherwise greyed out

    • Editable: Yes

    • No greyed out

    • Editable: Yes 

    • Note: if it’s Post Funding update, the ‘start date’ MUST be updated from ‘NULL’ before any other update is allowed to be saved.

  • This field is required 

  • Only special characters allowed / 

  • Error report of listing the missing mandatory field as the reason when creating the post



  • Admin should not be able to create/update/ save post on TIS if the mandatory field is not completed in UI or post bulk template


End date 





  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘No value provided’

Then the ‘End date ’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. Trust Funded’

  2. ‘Military’

  3. 'Long Term Plan'

  4. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  5. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

  6. ‘Academic - HEE’

  7. 'Academic - NIHR'

  8. 'Academic Trust'

  9. 'Other'

  10. 'Supernumerary'

Then the ‘End date ’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Free text or calendar pick

  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  • If Funding type is "No value provided", the End date is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If Funding type is NOT "No value provided", the End date is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • If Funding type is not "No value provided"

  1. Type: Free text  or calendar pick 

  2. Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  3. Character type: Numerical 

  4. Special characters allowed: /

  5. Mandatory: Yes 

  6. Dependencies:Only active when "Funding type" is not "No value provided" otherwise greyed out

  7. Editable: Yes

  8. Type otherwise greyed out

  9. Editable: Yes 


Apart form the list in the Initial FE Validation & Rules, the following should be added

  • Mandatory: No

Inputting Placement: Validation message for a posts with status ‘Inactive’/funding end date expires OR inadequate funding end date when inputting placement against an ‘inactive’ post ( using UI/PPT or Placement bulk upload)

In addition to the Initial FE Validation Rules;

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. 100% Tariff Funded

  2. Academic - University

Then the ‘End date ’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Mandatory: No

  • Inputting Placement: Validation message for a posts with status ‘Inactive’/funding end date expires OR inadequate funding end date when inputting placement against an ‘inactive’ post ( using UI/PPT or Placement bulk upload)

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. ‘No value provided’

Then the ‘End date’ field is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If you select the following from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown;

  1. Trust Funded’

  2. ‘Military’

  3. 'Long Term Plan'

  4. 'HEE Funded - Tariff'

  5. ‘HEE Funded - Non- Tariff’

  6. ‘Academic - HEE’

  7. 'Academic - NIHR'

  8. 'Academic Trust'

  9. 'Other'

  10. 'Supernumerary'

  11. 100% Tariff Funded

  12. Academic - University

Then the ‘End date’ field is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • Free text or calendar pick

  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  • If Funding type is "No value provided", the End date is greyed out; don’t accept text.

  • If Funding type is NOT "No value provided", the End date is NOT greyed out; accept text.

  • If Funding type is not "No value provided"

    • Type: Free text  or calendar pick 

    • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

    • Character type: Numerical 

    • Special characters allowed: /

    • Mandatory: No 

    • Dependencies: Only active when "Funding type" is not "No value provided" otherwise greyed out

    • Editable: Yes

    • Type otherwise greyed out

    • Editable: Yes 

    • It must be a day after the ‘start date’ if it’s not ‘NULL’

    • If ‘End date’ is ‘NULL’, it means funding goes on forever.

    • If the ‘End date’ value is updated to the past, then there should be a pop-up/warning saying 'The Funding End Date is in the past. This will make the Post Funding Status Inactive'

  • This field is required 

  • Only special characters allowed /

  • Example of possible messages:

    • ”This placement would be in an inactive post. You cannot continue”

    • ”This placement would be in a post where the funding dates do not cover the placement’s entire duration. You cannot continue”



  • Funding End Date: This is expected to be left NULL for all posts who have long-term, established funding, i.e. there is no known or expected ending to the funding of this post. If a post needs to be discontinued in terms of funding, this field is then filled in with the relevant date


  • A post’s funding dates should cover the entire duration of a placement. A warning message to prompt users to double check this should improve data quality. Where there is no funding end date the post should be considered to be actively funded indefinitely.


This is new field to be created;


To be created

None because it is a new filed to be created.

  • HEE Funded - Non-Tariff:

  1. Salary recharges

  2. Dental – 50%

  3. Dental - 100%

  4. FY2GP

  5. Public Health

  6. Hospice or Charity

  7. Occupational Medicine

  8. Community setting

  9. Foundation academic

  10. Other post funding

  • Supernumerary:

  1. Exceptional training

  2. SRTT

  3. Salary recharges


None because it is a new filed to be created.

  • Sub category appears ONLY If you select ‘HEE Funded- Non-Tariff’ OR ‘Supernumerary’ from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown list.

  • Type: Drop down

  • Mandatory: ? ( using TIS UI or Post bulk upload) @Olasimbo Babalola Please check with stakeholder if this new field should be mandatory

  • Default to: NULL

  • Editable: NO

To be updated after implementation




Funding Type Sub-category


This is new field to be created;

Funding Reason

To be created

None because it is a new filed to be created.

  • Long Term Plan

  • Redistribution

  • Expansion Posts

  • Cancer and Diagnostics


None because it is a new filed to be created.

  • Funding Reason appears ONLY If you select any item from the ‘Funding type’ dropdown list

  • Type: Drop down

  • Mandatory: No ( using TIS UI or Post bulk upload)

  • Default to: NULL

  • Editable: No

To be updated after implementation




Funding Type- Funding reason;


Post Funding Bulk Upload (Post Funding Creation) Fields Validation:


Column Heading

Add/Update/Matching Criteria



Questions/Notes for discussions

Column Heading

Add/Update/Matching Criteria



Questions/Notes for discussions


Matching Criteria


  • Should validate if the post funding is under this post ID


Funding type



  • Accepted values should match to one of Funding Type reference table and are CURRENT. 


Funding Details




Funding Body



  • Accepted values should match to one of the 'TrustKnownAs' from ‘Trust’ reference table and are CURRENT


Funding subtype



  • Accepted values should match to one of Funding subtype reference table and are CURRENT. 

  • Only allow funding subtype which is allowed by the funding type.

  • Error message should read ‘Funding subtype "xxxx" does not match funding type "yyyyyy".’


Start date



  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  • 'End date' should not be the same or before the 'Start date' If 'End date' is not NULL


End date



Date format DD/MM/YYYY


Post Funding Bulk Upload (Post Funding Update) Fields Validation


Note: If non-mandatory fields are blank, retain existing value

Column Heading

Add/Update/Matching Criteria



Questions/Notes for discussions

Column Heading

Add/Update/Matching Criteria



Questions/Notes for discussions


Matching Criteria


  • Should validate if the post funding is under this post ID



Matching Criteria


  • Should validate if the post funding is under this post ID


Funding type



  • Accepted values should match to one of Funding Type reference table and are CURRENT. 


Funding Details




Funding Body



  • Accepted values should match to one of the 'TrustKnownAs' from ‘Trust’ reference table and are CURRENT


Funding subtype



  • Accepted values should match to one of Funding subtype reference table and are CURRENT. 

  • Only allow funding subtype which is allowed by the funding type.

  • Error message should read ‘Funding subtype "xxxx" does not match funding type "yyyyyy".’

Please note: For the Post Funding Update template, if it is used to change the Funding Type of a Post Funding record, any existing Funding Subtype will be removed from the Post Funding record and replaced with what is populated on the template. This means that if a Post Funding record has a Funding Type of 'Supernumerary' and a Funding Subtype of 'Salary recharges', for example, if that record is updated to the Funding Type of 'Trust Funded' and the Funding Subtype field is left blank on the template, the Funding Subtype of 'Salary recharges' will be removed from that funding record. The reason for this is Funding Subtypes can only be used with certain Funding Types.

Start date



  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY

  • ‘End date’ should not be the same or before the ‘Start date’ If ‘End date’ is not NULL

  • The ‘start date’ MUST be updated from ‘NULL’ before any other update is allowed to be saved.


End date



  • Date format DD/MM/YYYY


More details on Post Fields Validation including Post Funding, see link https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NTCS/pages/edit/502530108?draftId=503283717&draftShareId=be601949-148c-4ceb-9f13-cea3295ba957&


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