Executive Summary

Summary of proposals/recommendations:

  • Overarching recommendations:

    • Revalidation should be fully integrated into TIS

  • User experience recommendations:

    • Revalidation screens and TIS Core screens should be aligned in design terms

    • A robust and reliable service must be provided

    • Proper product support must be provided

  • Technology recommendations:

    • The service should be based in the cloud, either AWS or Azure

    • AWS would be the preferred choice as it has a much richer offering than Azure

    • The service should be containerised so that moving cloud providers is relatively easy

    • The service should be implemented using micro-service principles

    • The back end services should be decoupled from the web interface and each other to allow for easy scaling

  • Data recommendations:

    • Data items should not be duplicated within TIS

    • TIS identifier should be removed from screens and replaced with GMC/GDC number

    • Correlation Ids should be used on messages so that they can be tracked through the system

    • All data changes should be audited

    • Revalidation data should be exported to the data warehouse to enable reporting from Tableau

  • Governance recommendations:

    • There should be a corporate data governance team and data dictionary