Concerns log specification

Concerns log specification

Draft for UI design purposes only

  • Input interface - form based
  • Need audit trail - who logged incident and when
  • Should enable search on GMC number, name, date, site, source, type, poss free text (details field)
  • Need ability to upload and store documents e.g. original emails, images
  • Should enable reports on all fields
  • East Mids include health concerns (also declared on Form-R) here, but leave it out for now (we are dealing with Form-R separately at the moment)

Field nameTypeComment
Date of logAutomatic data stamp 
Logged byAutomatic based on user 
GMC Number7 digit number 
First name Pre-populated according to GMC number?
Surname "
Grade at time of incident  


Employer report

ARCP Panel



Other (please specify)


Date reported 

This is date incident reported to HEE

Date of concern or incident 

May not be known so may need to allow empty field

'Concern' doesn't work as well as 'Incident' here - but log could include a complaints as well as incidents, etc - so to discuss

(Set rules so this date cannot be after date reported)

Concern type 



Conduct and capability

Serious Untoward Incident

Significant Event

Level of trainee involvement 

Not sure about this, and only relates to incidents (so maybe only opens if that type of concern selected?) but could be options:


Contact during incident

Main actor

(None of wording right, but basis for discussion with users - and provides some structure? May be too complicated at this stage)

LEP Would hope could have drop down for Trusts, although may be 10s of GP practices - maybe have one of options 'GP Practice' and then further drop down if that selected?
Site As above - could be e.g. Princess Elizabeth Children's Hospital, Nantwich (as part of Royal Cheshire NHS Hospitals Trust - names made up by me!) Might want to flip these tow fields, as the Trust could auto-populate once site is entered (assuming unique site names)
DescriptionFree textThis is the detail of the incident, so may need to put guidance on what to include?
Status Resolved/Unresolved (may wish to use 'Open/Closed')
Anticipated date of resolution 

Not right wording for field

Should only appear if 'Open'

This is where can put date when investigation likely to be completed, e.g. could be date of Coroner's court etc. Probably need a notes box to describe why particular date selected

Update Not sure what this will be, but need somewhere to add notes as more details known, e.g. progress of investigation

Closure information:

Closed by




Record of when incident is closed

May include details of ARCP review of incident and whether it can be archived or not

Additional informationLink to docs or description of where they are storedSomewhere to put link to original docs/attachments etc) - in v1 we won't be able to upload documents (see Reuben's message in Slack)