ESR Schedules

ESR Schedules

Description of new scheduling considerations

Previously scheduling was a key consideration as there were a number of timed jobs which exchanged files and kicked off processing to check for files. This was needed for a number of reasons as the queries for producing files were time dependent, the N3 bridge didnt accept incoming connections so it had to pass files out at specific times and check in the blob storage to see if a file had been recieved. The new code has three fundamental changes which make the timings less of a consideration:

  1. The SFTP server is the S3 blob storage and the act of files coming into the bucket kicks off processing (Event driven)
  2. The generation of information (App and Notification records) is done ahead of time, so there is less of a time pressure to run large jobs in one day and up to date data is available in the exporter service (Load spreading)
  3. The process of information generation is continuous and exporting is time boxed, This results in any generation which is not complete before an export run being available at the next export opportunity. (Export time depenendencies largely decoupled)

This means we are no longer restricted by when ESR delivers files and our exporting process becomes less time critical.  The current timings are 2pm for applicant export and 3 pm for notification export, but these can be tweaked as needed.  

Below is some detailed information from the initial codes timings, which is a useful reference for when some of ESR's processes run. 

Visual Timeline of the schedules (Historical)

Schedules - Files exchanged between ESR and TIS in the interface 


This table outlines the schedules for the regular jobs that runs on the TIS-ESR interface.

All times are specified in the table below are  in UK Current time, i.e. London/EU Timezone. 

Please note all Jenkin jobs on TIS are currently set to use UTC time except the ESR-ETL jobs. The following tickets were raised to accommodate for the winter/summer time changes to ensure ESR-ETL always run on UK Current time.

TISDEV-4890 - Getting issue details... STATUS

TISNEW-2262 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ESR have confirmed their schedules are in UK Current time. 

File Name
File name convention
Schedule (incl. weekends and bank hols. and are all in BST, i.e. UK Current Time)
Blue - ESR-ETL schedules
Green - FTP Synch schedules
Jenkins job (Automatic and their manual equivalent to run in case of failure)
Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Outbound interface (RMT)RMFDeanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Full File received on Day 1. A request has to be made by TIS if another one is needed.ESR


  • DE: Constant ‘DE’ to denote a Deanery Interface File
  • DBY: The Deanery/HEE Local Office (former Deanery Body) Identifier
  • xxx: Constant ‘RMF’ denoting a Deanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Full File.
  • YYYYMMDD: Interface Run Date corresponding to the date the file was created
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each run
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example for WMD : DE_WMD_RMF_20101126_00001234.DAT

Pav: RMT file will be made available latest by 2:00 in the afternoon. Hence if you schedule your jo to pick this up at this time daily this should be ok. In the past it used to be the morning but that has changed.

The process to produce the RMF/RMC files runs daily (inc. weekend and bank holidays) at 1pm and generally takes about 40 mins, so files usually will be available for download by 2pm. The data is ‘up to midnight on the previous day’ but if ESR itself is not ‘up to this date’ the extract will be held until the data is available. ESR is often subject to weekend/bank holiday downtime.

03/05 VH: Process runs about 2.30p.m on ESR.

TIS to run a daily scheduled job at14:0014h45 and 15h15 to pick up RMT files sent by ESR. (Download)

TIS to load the RMC/RMF files daily at15:00.15:30  - load-type=applicant-load

Automatic at 14:45 and 15:15:

Run on N3 Box

Manual equivalent of 14:45 and 15:15:

Run on N3 Box

Automatic at 15:30:


Manual equivalent of 15:30:


Deanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Changes File (RMT)RMCDenoting Deanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Changes File. Only changes sent subsequent to RMF. (deltas to the RMF)ESR


  • DE: Constant ‘DE’ to denote a Deanery Interface File
  • DBY: The Deanery/HEE Local Office (former Deanery Body) Identifier
  • xxx: Constant ‘RMC’ Denoting Deanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Changes File
  • YYYYMMDD: Interface Run Date corresponding to the date the file was created
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each run
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example for WMD : DE_WMD_RMC_20101126_00001234.DAT

TIS to run a daily scheduled job at14:0014h45 and 15h15to pick up RMT files sent by ESR. (Download)

TIS to load the RMC/RMF files daily at15:00.15:30  - load-type=applicant-load

Automatic at 15:30:


Manual equivalent:


Reconciliation and Trainee Information Confirmation File (RTC)RTCTIS confirms that the RMT file were received with details of success or error to ESR.TIS


  • DE: Constant ‘DE’ to denote a Deanery Interface File
  • DBY: The Deanery/HEE Local Office (former Deanery Body) Identifier
  • RTC: Constant ‘RTC’ denoting a Deanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Confirmation File.
  • YYYYMMDD: Interface Run Date corresponding to the date the file was created (will match the corresponding UPD file)
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each run (will match the corresponding UPD file)
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example:


Triggered on completion of processing of the RMT file. Generally sent after midday and before 5p.m.

Any time is acceptable by ESR. 

TIS to gnerate the RTC files daily at 15:30  - load-type=applicant-load

TIS to send the RTC file/s daily at 18:00 to ESR. (Upload)

Automatic to generate:


Automatic to upload:

Run on N3 Box.

Manual equivalent to generate:


Applicant (Export) FileAPPMatches trainees and placements in TIS and returns them to ESR.TIS


  • DE: Constant ‘DE’ to denote a Deanery Interface File
  • DBY: The Deanery/HEE Local Office (former Deanery Body) Identifier
  • APP: Constant ‘APP’ denoting an Applicant Export File
  • YYYYMMDD: Interface Run Date corresponding to the date the file was created (will match the corresponding UPD file)
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each run (will match the corresponding UPD file)
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example: 


Expected to be received by 19:04 at NHS Hub.

TIS to generate the APP file/s daily at  17:00 - load-type=applicant-export

TIS to send the APP file/s daily at 18:00 to ESR. (Upload)

Automatic at 16:00:


Manual equivalent of 16:00:


Automatic at 18:00:

Run on N3 Box

Manual Equivalent of 18:00:

Run on N3 Box

Applicant Confirmation FileAPCSent to TIS and confirms that the APP were received successfully and list any warning against records created on ESR.ESR


  • DE: Constant ‘DE’ to denote a Deanery Interface File
  • DBY: The Deanery/HEE Local Office (former Deanery Body) Identifier
  • RTC: Constant ‘RTC’ denoting a Deanery Reconciliation and Medical Trainee Confirmation File.
  • YYYYMMDD: Interface Run Date corresponding to the date the file was created (will match the corresponding UPD file)
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each run (will match the corresponding UPD file)
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example: DE_EOE_RTC_20080426_00006871.DAT

Following completion of processing of the Applicant or APP file by ESR. This can take up to 2 days to be received.

Pav: The final (NHS Hub) job to produce the APC runs hourly at 12 mins past the hour from 07:00 to 19:00 and any APC files returned from ESR will be processed on the next run and placed for collection shortly afterwards. ESR’s processing of APP files is generally completed overnight in time for the 07:12 run.

TIS to run a daily scheduled job to pick up APC files at 19:00. (Download)

TIS to process the APC file/s daily at 20:00. - load-type=apc-import

Automatic at 19:00 and manual to upload: Run on N3 Box

Automatic at 20:00:


Manual equivalent of 20:00:


Notification File in Full ModeDNF

Full Notifications sent to ESR for the corresponding Positions prior to receiving an RMF on Day 1 of switching off the interface.

Any future DNF file should follow a manual request process between ESR and TIS before sending.



  • DE: The fixed length file type. Define as a constant ‘Deanery Notification’ for the ‘GI’ Interface File
  • Ddd: The fixed length Deanery/HEE Local OfficeLETB (former Deanery Body) Organisation Code.
  • DNF: The fixed length sub file type.‘DNF’ - to denote ‘Full’ notification file.
  • YYYYMMDD: Date corresponding to the date the file was created
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each file
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example:  DE_EOE_DNF_20080426_00006871.DAT

TIS to generate (manual) DNF file after the Applicant Export i.e. after 17:00 . Regular DNC should be disabled for that period and turned back on after the DNF files have been generated. No application schedule. 

TIS to send the DNF file/s on Day 1 at 18:00 to ESR. (Upload)

Manual only to generate:


Steps to generate:

ESR Full Notification File manual generation process

Automatic and manual to upload:

Run on N3 Box

Notification File in Change ModeDNCNotification File in change mode sent by the ETL on a daily basis automatically. TIS


  • DE: The fixed length file type. Define as a constant ‘Deanery Notification’ for the ‘GI’ Interface File
  • Ddd: The fixed length Deanery/HEE Local OfficeLETB (former Deanery Body) Organisation Code.
  • DNC: The fixed length sub file type.‘DNC’ - to denote a ‘Changes’ notification file.
  • YYYYMMDD: Date corresponding to the date the file was created
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each file
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example: DE_EOE_DNC_20080426_00006871.DAT

TIS to generate auto notifications daily at 06:00. - load-type = notification-daily-load

TIS to  generate and load TCS Notifications to Azure daily at17:0017:30.  - load-type=notification-daily-export

TIS to send the DNC file/s daily at 18:00 to ESR. (Upload)

Automatic at 06:00:


Manual equivalent of 06:00:


Automatic at 17:30:


Manual equivalent of 17:30:


Automatic or Manual equivalent of 18:00:

Run on N3 Box

Notification Confirmation FileDCCIt's a confirmation of the DNF or DNC file received and processed by ESR sent to TIS.ESR


  • DE: The fixed length file type. Define as a constant ‘Deanery Notification’ for the ‘GI’ Interface File
  • Ddd: The fixed length Deanery/HEE Local OfficeLETB (former Deanery Body) Organisation Code.
  • DCC: The fixed length sub file type.‘DCC’ - to denote a notification confirmation file.
  • YYYYMMDD: Date corresponding to the date the file was created
  • 99999999: Interface Run Sequence Number, incremented for each file
  • DAT: Constant ‘DAT’ extension denoting data file

For example:


TIS to run a daily scheduled job at14:0014h45 and 15h15 to pick up DCC along with RMT files sent by ESR. (Download)

Automatic downloaded at 14:45 and 15:15:

Run on N3 Box

Manual equivalent of 14:45 and 15:15:

Run on N3 Box

Future work to include in the ETL process:

TISNEW-2698 - Getting issue details... STATUS



Friendly Name (shown above)ETL JOB (shown below)Broadest Description
Notifications loadnotification-daily-loadTell TCS to record 'notifications' for 1) Placements starting in 13 weeks and 2) Posts which just became vacant.
Process RMT & RTC filesapplicant-load1) Pull the Position Info. and Position Reconciliation records from ESR, 2) Get placements from TCS and Create Applicant Records in esr.
Process APP filesapplicant-exportFor each of the following, find the necessary placement details, create the applicant and export: 1) Position Reconciliation, 2) Position Info., 3) EsrNotifications and 4) Errored Applicants.
Process DNC filesnotification-daily-exportGet and Export all the Notifications for Applicants.
Process APC filesapc-importPull results of ESR attempting to import the Applicant files we have sent them. 

ETL Data Sources & Sinks 


Image source:

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