Programmes - Programme memberships

Programmes - Programme memberships

Page content:

Definition of a Programme

A programme is a local instance of the training of a curriculum. The office applies to the GMC for approval to train a curriculum and have to show sign off by the college of that curriculum. When that's approved the GMC give a number which is the programme number or GMC approval code. That code is then applied to sites which are approved to train that curriculum. This is where the association of the post to the programme number comes into play. It's actually the approval of the programme to the site via the post


(Not sure why this diagram is not showing up, might need a license - it was uploaded a while ago during Transform times, will keep it here for now.)

Refactoring Programme membership in TIS


Programme membership

A training pathway specific to a Local Office using Sites approved for that training pathway and Local Office.

Each Local office will have an equivalent programme with a unique code e.g.:

Programme Name

Programme number

Local Office

Programme Name

Programme number

Local Office



Health Education England East of England



Health Education England West Midlands

Curriculum membership

A trainee following a specific Curriculum for a determined duration to achieve a set of competencies within a specialty.
Curriculum are not linked to a locality, they are a reference list.

The Royal Colleges set those competencies for the curricula. Competencies and evidences of are captured in various E-Portfolio systems. There are plans to integrate with TIS in the future.

Why the distinction between the 2 is necessary?

Curriculum membership/s is abstracted in the current TIS model, we need a refactor so that curriculum memberships can be distinctly identified from programme memberships. This causes problem in accurately reporting on a trainee's curriculum membership/s which is abstracted in the current model. The distinction between the two is necessary in order:

  • To be able to track changes to a trainee's unique programme membership

  • To be able to track changes to each unique curriculum memberships

  • To be able to uniquely update programme memberships and their curriculum memberships in bulk. Currently only the Curriculum ID is held in a programme membership record.

  • To be able to uniquely audit when change is made to either a programme membership or a curriculum membership separately, which is not possible at the moment

  • Possible developments to Form-R part A linked to Programme membership

  • To be able to support the development of a new bulk update tool for programme memberships and curriculum memberships

  • To be able to sync specific programme memberships to Trainee UI rather than having to sync all programme memberships when there is a change/addition/deletion on TIS

  • To be able to record NTN at programme membership level rather than curriculum membership level.


The ProgrammeMembership table in TIS is a denormalised table (called CurriculumMembership in the Tis_Interim) and is split into two tables in Tis_Interim, one being the full ProgrammeMembership table but called CurriculumMembership, the other being a select distinct subselection called ProgrammeMembership.

TIS_Interim (NDW):








To_Be - Proposed change to TIS data model

This table should be normalised by splitting into two in the following way. (note: the proposed split in the below diagram is only making reference to necessary fields and not all fields)

ERD model:


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