Meeting with Amandeep Doll - 02/02/17
Meeting with Amandeep Doll - 02/02/17
- Joanne Watson
- Alison Parr
Amandeep is on secondment to HEE as Pharmacy Clinical Fellow from pharmacy post within a hospital - this secondment will be finishing shortly.
General discussion
Introduction to TIS, Agile, User-Centred Design
Discussion on Pharmacy training improvement project assessments pilot
- ePortfolio used in pharmacy pilot not fit for purpose (Skillwise). Was used because it's the one used for NVQ pharmacy route
- Each hospital a separate organisation + Boots, LLyods and other pharmacies
- Can only see own students on ePortfolio and not each other's, but can't review own students
- Review students every 13 weeks - culture not to review them and give feedback (community pharmacies). Increasing the workload - not used to continual assessment.
- Survey was due to go out to evaluate pilot in first week of Feb
Test panel
- Didn't tell trainees that their ePortfolio was being reviewed
- Random selection of 50 people
- Test panel was about finding out what was required for ePortfolio - need progress reviews logged; tutor report
- Tutors don't get any training - don't know what good looks like
- Will have a trainee report as well as a tutor report
- Likely will be at 39 weeks (3/4 of the way through their course - 49 weeks) - this will give them 10 weeks to make improvements if required
- Don't have the flexibility to extend their training - employers will only pay for 52 weeks
- NHS England fund community pharmacists (HEE hospital ones) - NHS England quite happy that new standards will apply across the board
- Currently informative process - GPhC (General Pharmaceutical Council) - will speak to this (??)
- Outcomes - Currently Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory - will have 5 outcomes. Outcome 3 (extension) the trainee would have to find themselves another placement
- Plan to make Outcome 1 & 2 written feedback, 3 & 4 telephone conversation
Amandeep will forward Pharmacy Guide (equivalent to Gold Guide)
Slack: https://hee-nhs-tis.slack.com/
Jira issues: https://hee-tis.atlassian.net/issues/?filter=14213