Programmes | Rotations Workshops

10 October 2017

Attendees: Russell, Alistair, Alex, Emanuele, Sunil, Ify, Ashley


  • currently implemented programmes rotation grouping for TIS
    • consolidated data will not show logical rationale for displaying rotations
    • can also bring across post rotation groupings to TIS
  • it would be useful to extend programmes ERD to include programme membership, rotation groups, etc relationships (@Russ)
  • current process in Intrepid
    • view/edit programme
    • select to add new rotation
    • write name of the new rotations
    • add posts / people by selection
  • this process is fairly simple, but implementation may be more complex
    • where could a user view/edit all rotations in TIS?
    • would this require a separate section of it’s own?
    • what happens to old data - display, access to edit?
  • Conclusion: de-scope until post MVP
    • in the meantime, discuss impact with users as a low priority (AP)